Bianca O'Loughlin
Bianca O'Loughlin
My name is Bee or Bianca-(I don’t really mind which you prefer to call me). I am a duel qualified dental hygienist therapist and my role in the practice is to try to help improve patient’s dental health through cleaning in surgery, oral hygiene instruction and patient education.
My view on working with patients and is that everyone is different. What works for one patient may not work for another, and all treatment should be tailored to the individual.
Some people take it for granted how much teeth/dental health can affect everyday life, but teeth are needed to eat, talk, smile and keep the structure of your face. And no one likes dental pain. When I can help patients maintain their teeth and their smiles and avoid dental pain the job satisfaction I get is unbelievable.
As a child I knew that when I grew up I wanted to work somewhere in healthcare, dentistry however was not on my radar until I was in my teens. My interest in dentistry was first sparked when my dad had dental implants fitted, I found the whole thing fascinating and saw what a difference someone’s dental health can make to their life and how dentary can transform someone.
After doing several work experience placements I knew that it was a career I wanted to follow and chose my GCSEs and my A-levels to fit my plan of becoming a hygienist/therapist-Thank goodness I got in! As I really was set on this career and there was no plan B!
For my training I attended Leeds university and love it. I studied both dental hygiene and dental therapy which means as well as the standard hygienist training, I was also trained in carrying simple dental restorations/fillings.
The course was hands on from the start and made sure we had experience in all patient types. I spent a huge amount of time on the paeds clinics and we went to outreach centres weekly to help those with dental issues within the community.
I graduated in 2013 and was given the award of Dental therapist of my year as well as the paediatric dentistry prize.
After graduating I managed to get full time work at a mixed private and NHS practice in Luton and gained invaluable experience there. After a while there I decided I was ready to move home to Worcestershire and since then have been working in several practices in the Worcestershire and Gloucestershire.
In spring 2019 I was lucky enough to hear through a dental friend (who rates Hilltop dental practice as one of the best she has ever worked in) that they were on the lookout for a new hygienist to help tackle the ever increasing hygiene work load with Claire and I am thrilled that Robert and Gillian felt that there was a space for me with in their fantastic team!
My favourite thing about my job is the people. The patients and the people/staff I am lucky enough to work with.
I love seeing how some patient’s attitude toward attending and undergoing dental treatment can change. Working a patient who may be very nervous or anxious when they first start attending and helping them building up confidence and a relationship of trust is really rewarding. Especially when we can either improve or resolve an issue they may have.
At Hilltop dental practice the main goal we share as a team is to improve patients’ dental health and their experience of dentistry.
Many patients see dentistry as something scary or stressful that they would rather avoid if possible, this sort of fear or daunting feeling towards dentary can in some cases lead to more issues.
Here at Hilltop we want people to feel safe and comfortable. We are a friendly bunch and try to make the dental experience as easy and pleasant as possible.
When I am not at work I am working on my house- I bought an old house a few years ago thinking it had charm and not thinking about how much work it would need! The inside is nearly done and then it will be the front and back gardens as my next big projects.
I also indoor climb once a week and go running once to twice week (more if my boyfriend drags me out with him).
Food is also a very important in my life! I really enjoy cooking and I enjoy eating even more!
To get a dog…… or dogs. That’s been a dream of mine for longer than I can actually remember.